DeepBrain AI signs strategic partnership with Exchangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance! - DeepBrainAI

Updated on
February 1, 2023
July 22, 2022

DeepBrain AI has formed a strategic partnership with Exchangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance at its headquarters in Paris, France.

Exchangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance is the largest financial bank in France and Europe, with banks in 30 countries including Spain, Portugal and the Czech Republic.

Exchangeur is an innovation center for trend/marketing consulting under BNP Paribas Personal Finance, which leads innovation in a variety of areas including banking, insurance, automobiles and retail. Exchangeur will present DeepBrain AI in forms of Video demo and AI Kiosk to regular showroom visitors and introduce examples that can be implemented into various fields.

Please look forward to the fantastic synergy through our partnership with Exchangeur, which will be the bridge for DeepBrain AI’s entry into Europe.

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